Shooting the Sh!t wit Shank
Shooting the Sh!t wit Shank
Year In Review: Hindsight is always 2020: Shooting the Sh!t wit Shank and The Biz
This is the craziest year in a long time, it brought us laughs, tears, shock value, fear, love, and politics as usual. We were able to podcast and bring in some great guest and re-create Shoo Shoo Shooting the Sh!t with Shank.
Well this episode is great. Getting ready for the new year, sit back and listen to this episode and you will have a blast, We talk about our Top 5 events of the year. From Covid-19 to Black Lives Matter Movement to Kobe Bean Bryant... Special guest audience and joined by Kuan Corleone, your Host Shankdaddy and Duke Johnson, "Billy D" cross episode with Norm Beezy from The Biz podcast show. and talk all things 2020.
Special thanks to all of our guest and friends that have tuned in to the shows. and special thanks to Positive People Association LLC.
We look forward to seeing you all next year, and look for our Vlog podcast.
Happy New year!